Nixon Digital

EU’s New Laws on Illegal Cookie Walls: What it Means for Online Privacy

With the new EU laws on illegal cookie walls, online privacy is set to receive a much-needed boost. But what exactly are cookie walls and why have they been declared illegal? Today, we’ll take a closer look at the EU’s new laws and what it means for internet users. 

What are Cookie Walls?

Cookie walls are pop-ups that appear when a user visits a website. These pop-ups usually ask the user to accept the website’s use of cookies or to subscribe to the website’s newsletter. If the user refuses to accept the cookies or subscribe to the newsletter, they are often unable to access the website’s content. 

Why have Cookie Walls been Declared Illegal?

Cookie walls have been declared illegal because they violate the EU’s new privacy laws. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives internet users more control over their personal data and how it’s used by websites. Cookie walls often force users to accept cookies or subscribe to newsletters in order to access a website’s content, which goes against the principles of the GDPR. 

What it Means for Online Privacy

With the EU’s new laws on illegal cookie walls, online privacy is set to receive a much-needed boost. The laws will give internet users more control over their personal data and how it’s used by websites. Additionally, the laws will make it easier for users to protect their online privacy by ensuring that they are not forced to accept cookies or subscribe to newsletters in order to access a website’s content. 

How it Impacts Website Owners

The new EU laws on illegal cookie walls will also have an impact on website owners. Website owners will now need to ensure that they are in compliance with the EU’s new privacy laws and that they are not using cookie walls. This could mean making changes to their websites or updating their privacy policies. 

What exactly are cookie walls and why have they been declared illegal?

The EU’s new laws on illegal cookie walls are a positive step forward for online privacy. The laws will give internet users more control over their personal data and how it’s used by websites. It’s important for website owners to ensure that they are in compliance with the EU’s new privacy laws to avoid any legal penalties. If you want to know more about cookies and how you can set them up properly, get in touch with our OneTrust expert. With the EU’s new laws, online privacy is set to receive a much-needed boost and internet users can rest assured that their personal data is protected.