Nixon Digital

Quick Guide to Server-Side Tagging (SST)

Nixon Digital Quick Guide to Service Side Tagging SST

Table of Contents

What is Server-Side Tagging?

Server-Side Tagging (SST) is a method of tracking website activity that improves data privacy and accuracy by firing tags from your server instead of directly from the user’s browser. This gives you more control over what data gets sent to third-party platforms, which helps with GDPR compliance. 

Why Server-Side Tagging Over Client-Side Tagging? 

  • Client-Side Tagging: Traditional tagging where data collection happens directly in the user’s browser. This method can expose sensitive data and is more vulnerable to ad blockers, cookie restrictions, and privacy concerns. 
  • Server-Side Tagging: The tag fires on your server, which acts as an intermediary between your website and the third-party services receiving your data. This offers improved security, more accurate tracking, and better compliance management. 

Key Steps in SST Implementation  

  1. Set Up Google Tag Manager (GTM) Server-Side
    • Create a Server Container: In your Google Tag Manager (GTM) account, set up a new server container. This is a container type specifically designed for SST. 
    • Deploy on a Cloud Platform: Choose a cloud provider which hosts your server container. The cloud platform will handle the server-side logic and routing. Google conveniently offers a docker image that can be deployed to your existing infrastructure for those who wish to avoid Google Cloud. 
    • Configure DNS Settings: Update your DNS records to route your website’s tracking traffic to your new server container. This ensures that all data flows through your server before it reaches third-party services. Users can opt for a custom subdomain like “” or use the same record with a custom path like “” as a collection endpoint. Using a subdomain is easier to set up and cheaper as it doesn’t need an additional CDN or Load Balancer to forward traffic. 
    • Tip: You might need some technical assistance for this part, particularly with DNS configuration and setting up your cloud infrastructure. 
    • Modify Existing Tags: If you’re already using GTM with client-side tags, you’ll need to update these tags to point to your server-side endpoint instead of sending data directly to third-party platforms. 
    • Test Your Tags: Use GTM’s preview mode to ensure that your tags are firing correctly and that data is being routed through your server container. Check that no sensitive information is leaking unintentionally. 
  2. Configure Client-Side Tags
    • Manage Data Privacy
    • Consent Management: Integrate consent management tools to ensure you are only collecting and processing data that users have agreed to. This is crucial for staying compliant with data protection regulations like GDPR. 
    • Data Filtering: Implement filters in your server-side setup to remove or anonymize sensitive information before it gets sent to third parties. For example, you might choose to remove personally identifiable information (PII) from your analytics data. 
  3. Test and Monitor
    • Thorough Testing: After setting everything up, conduct extensive testing to make sure your server-side tagging is working as expected. Test across different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility. 
    • Continuous Monitoring: Once everything is up and running, keep an eye on the data flow. Set up monitoring tools and alerts to catch any issues early. Over time, optimize your setup to improve performance and compliance. 

For more detailed instructions and advanced configurations, refer to Google’s official guide: Server-Side Tagging Overview

Our tools to Simplify SST Setup 

  • Nixon Digital: Tracker Checker Chrome Extension: This Chrome extension helps you verify whether your GTM and Google Analytics setup is client-side or server-side. 
  • Nixon Platform: The Nixon Platform offers an overview of SST implementation across your website portfolios, both small and large, helping you manage your setup efficiently. You can create custom rules and alerts to ensure a consistent implementation across your portfolio of websites. 


SST enhances data security and compliance, and tools like Nixon: Tracker Checker make validation and implementation easier. Use the Nixon Digital: Tracker Checker will give you the insights that would normally require a tech expert to uncover.

For more detailed steps, refer to Google’s official Server-Side Tagging Guide

Picture of Marcel van Rijn
Marcel van Rijn

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