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Google postpones the dilation of third-party cookies until 2024

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Third-party cookies: Google delays the inevitable until 2024

Google has announced that its plan to remove third-party tracking cookies is delayed until at least 2024. 

Google has announced that its plan to remove third-party tracking cookies is delayed until at least 2024.  

Privacy VP, Anthony Chavez, has stated that switching from third party cookies allows the web to continue to grow without relying on cross-site tracking ID or techniques such as fingerprinting.

The goal of the Privacy Sandbox initiative is to create technologies that help protect the privacy of Internet users as well as give businesses and developers the tools to build digital businesses. This Privacy Sandbox reduces tracking of personal browsing data and helps keep online content and services free for everyone.

The Privacy Sandbox initiative will start in August. During the rest of the year and until 2023, the test panel will gradually increase to see how Google’s Privacy Sandbox works. 

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Sjoerd Nixon

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