Nixon Digital

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Get grip on your portfolio

Streamline your digital assets by Nixon Platform it's Deep Scan for Insightful Domain Analysis and Monitoring

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As a Global Company, you probably have set standards and guidelines for launching websites for your brands. The Nixon Platform helps you by conducting comprehensive hygiene scans focused on technology, privacy and security across an entire website portfolio. This approach is not just about adhering to compliance and legal frameworks but also places a significant emphasis on aligning with a company's internal standards. This allows you to make efficient use of technologies, domains and DNS, use of cookies and social trackers, cookie banners etc.

Tailored to Internal Standards

Understanding that each company has its own set of internal policies, the Nixon Platform is designed to tailor its scanning and auditing capabilities to these internal frameworks. This alignment is crucial for companies aiming to maintain a high level of digital hygiene, ensuring that their website portfolio not only meet external regulatory demands but also adhere to the company's self-imposed standards or compliance regulations.

Tailored Solution

Continuous Audits through scanning

The Nixon Platform allows you to take your Website Portfolio to the next level. By combining a total overview of all your domains & websites, and extensive, propriary auditing capabilites, the Platform will always tell you what's wrong and who needs to fix it. Continuous Auditing is what describes it best. This is extremely usefull because websites change a lot over time, especially if you have many. For example, regular content work on your many websites can result in new cookies being fired. This is something that impacts your Cookie banners, but someone needs to be informerd. This is exactly what the Nixon Platform will tell you. We will define together what is most important for you and the Nixon Digital will identify the gaps and gives clear instructions to teams. With this setup, you can ensure that everything complies with both the law and the company’s internal guidelines.

Seamless Integration

The Nixon Platform is built to integrate with a company's existing systems. Recognizing the importance of not disrupting established workflows and technologies, the platform is engineered to work in harmony with whatever systems a company already has in place. In this way, we can enhance existing ITSM solutions as well as for example Application Security or Marketing analysis tools.

Nixon Platform Results

Focused on the Entire Website Portfolio

What makes the Nixon Platform unique is its capability to apply this rigorous, tailored approach to any Website Portfolio and from the outside in. It can bring you many insights you need, without any integration, right from the start. Whether it is insights in your technology stack, hosting environments, or privacy and security setup. This wide-reaching capability ensures that companies can have confidence in their Website setup. It's a solution that acknowledges the complexity and breadth of modern organizations and Digital Footprints, offering peace of mind that every part of a company's online presence meets your company's .

The Nixon Platform

In summary, the Nixon Platform offers a solution to get grip on your Website Portfolio. Combining the Discovery of new domains and websites and having that inventory (CMDB) scanned in a smart way will put you in the driving seat. By integrating these capabilities in your existing ITSM processes and tools will make even the largest Website Portfolio manageble. This will save you 100s of hours in repetitive work but moreover will allow you to effectively manage your Website Portfolio.

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