Nixon Digital

Hannover Messe

Nice meeting you at the Hannover Messe!

Nice meeting you at the Hannover Messe!

Thank you for talking to us at the Hannover Messe! If you would like to know more about what Nixon Digital does, please look aroud at our website or reach out to one of the persons below you spoke to

Our talks

The challenge

You cannot guarantee your customers' privacy on your websites

Large companies are often struggling to get grip on their many websites across the globe.
Not knowing what websites you have makes it impossible to be compliant with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.


No Overview

You don’t have an overview of all your websites and domains. You don’t even know how many websites you have or what is happening there.

Manual Checks

In order to find out if you're compliant you need to execute 35+ checks manually. Once you're done, you can start over again.

No Ownership

Once you figured out something is wrong, It is still very complicated to get it fixed. Who needs to act? This will cost you many, many follow-up emails.

We are specialized in